
MVMNT Agency captivated the Eastern Suburbs with an Iconic Treasure Hunt hosted by Miss Double Bay, an Instagram Meme account run by Claudia Bursill. The innovative approach to engaging consumers saw 10 prizes hidden around Sydney’s Eastern Suburbs which sent those playing along into a frenzy. The goal was to drive mass brand awareness with an activation that was aligned with Funday Sweets and their core target consumers.

Step one:
MVMNT strategically collaborated with a highly engaging Key Opinion Leader to ensure mass Social Media coverage and consumer participation are at an all-time high. Miss Double Bay was a crucial element, her humorous tone of voice resonates well with Funday Sweets target audience. The Eastern Suburbs provided the ideal location to host a fun treasure hunt as Miss Double Bay has cultivated over time a highly engaged following that mostly resides in the East, this allowed MVMNT to create a highly targeted campaign.

Step two:

Collaborate with like-minded brands to make the Treasure Hunt one not to be missed! MVMNT researched and reached out to brands who would share a similar target audience to collaborate on prizes with. The total prize pool reached over $7,500.  

Step Three: 

Host the hunt. MVMNT hit the pavement to hide 10 prizes through the Eastern Suburbs whilst Miss Double Bay shared a new riddle on her Instagram every 30 minutes. This campaign created a unique and memorable experience for those who participated and provided a great opportunity for Funday Sweets to give samples to consumers, further driving brand awareness and recognizability. An activation like this is a great way to build and connect with consumers, leaving a lasting positive impression on them. It also encouraged consumers to share their experiences on social media, amplifying the reach of the campaign and sparking conversations about the activation, talent, and brand. 

A highly successful activation campaign such as this Treasure Hunt sees consumers engaging with the brand in a non-traditional way yet ties seamlessly to the brand’s core messaging and values. The powerful combination of direct engagement, shareable content, and strategic media outreach culminated in a successful activation that elevated Funday Sweet’s brand awareness. 


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